How to Fix Roman Reigns

When people hear the ring announcer say Roman's name and or you hear that famous Shield song hit, the reaction is nothing but negative.  Few cheers mixed with a swarm of boos is what you get with "Vince's REAL Boy" Roman Reigns.  Roman, what Vince envisions as the top dog or money maker of the WWE is neither.  Most of the anti Roman heat comes from older fans, which makes up a very high percentage of fans in attendance and watching at home.  Yes, kids know him and wear his merch, but that is where it ends.  Next time you watch RAW, look around at the fans in attendance and try to find a Roman shirt. Its rare that you'll find one.  Vince has pushed Roman down our throats and even after 3 years of main eventing WrestleMania, and watching the matches fail (except for when Seth saved the day by cashing in his MITB contract and taking the Championship when Brock and Roman met a few years back) Vince seems to not get the big picture.  He's tried getting him over by reuniting The Shield so Seth and Dean could help push Roman.  That was doing a decent job until Roman got sick and Dean went down with a injury.  WWE logic is 'lets use Romans theme (also The Shield theme) and use the Shield pop to get Roman over.  Lets just say, it didn't last and definitely didn't work.

So the question remains, what can WWE do to push 'their biggest star' to the level of The Rock, Austin, HHH, and maybe even Hogan.  To me there is a few ways to do so.  Both of these ideas could still fail, but both in my opinion, are better than what we got now.  I'll cover 2 scenarios and let you be the judge.  Again this is my opinion of what could work on what can fix Roman Reigns and make him the star Vince dreams of.

Part 1:

This fix I rank 2nd on my list of what I would like to see happen, but it'll cover it first.  I say, set Roman free.  Take the leash off "The Big Dog" and let him run wild.  What I mean I when Roman is at his best is when he was free on the mic, uncensored, unfiltered and scriptless.  When he shoots he comes off like a guy we could all cheer for.  Also, when you set him free, let him wrestle his style.  Wrestling fans know he can wrestle.  We know he can do more than 3 moves.  Instead we get Superman Punches, Spears, and suplexes.  His finishers are forgettable, unless you are a 10 year old.  The WWE keeps his move set simple to appeal to the kids.  So let him wrestle how he knows he can.  100 Superman Punches and 50 spears a match is boring.  Give him more moves and drop the script, its simple.  Doing this will eventually pay off and work in WWE's favor. Maybe.

Part 2:

This, in my opinion, is the best way to fix Roman.  Its simple, and with the right creative behind it could push Roman to the top spot, officially. How you ask?  Well lets turn Roman Reigns heel.  Miz, Braun, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, The Rock, The Usos to name a few, are all stars who had or are having a amazing heel run that didn't last because fans started popping for everything they did.  The Miz is the exception here because every time he gets the fans sucked in he pulls something out of his hat to turn up the heat and lets the boos poor in.  That's why the Miz is probably my current favorite heel, the dude is good at what he does.  If this is set up right Roman could easily be top heel in the WWE and maybe top heel in all professional Wrestling. Yes I said ALL PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!  Lets pain a picture here, one where Roman does exactly what Seth did to the original Shield.  Turning on Seth and Dean, who are both over, especially when formed as The Shield, would be a massive turn and generate a lot of heat from fans.  Imagine Roman standing over his former buddies to end a show to a pissed off crowd.  This could be epic!  

Another way is to have Roman turn on the crowd out of frustration after another loss to Brock.  Have him talk smack and then go on a rampage on all beloved superstars from Finn, Seth, Dean, Roode, even Braun (who is becoming the biggest star the WWE has.)  Combine smack talk to the fans and a full heel rampage on the roster, this would push Roman pretty high on the heat-o-meter. 

My last scenario would be more of a later 2018 or early 2019 turn.  This involves running a family reunion of sorts and reuniting Roman with The Rock only to have Roman leave (arguably the biggest star in WWE history) a bloody mess in the middle of the ring.  This could set yp for a huge match at 2019s WrestleMania between a heel Roman and The Rock.  Not only would the heel turn generate buzz within the wrestling industry, but because of how huge of a star The Rock is in Hollywood, it could generate mainstream media attention.  This kind of heat cold push Roman to new heel heights.  Not gonna lie, as a fan of heels, I would smell what the WWE is cooking and love every second of it!

As I previously said, the heel turn in my opinion would be the best fit for Roman.  A good heel run will and can eventually turn into Roman being loved by all fans.  Look at what the heel turn did for The Usos, a perfect example of how turning a failing product heel can save a career and make WWE money.  The Usos are maybe the best tag team on WWE product and continue getting pops from fans that use to hate them.  They have stellar matches and impress every week.  And before the turn, I'll admit, I wasn't a fan.  Now they are one of my favorite tag teams on the roster.  So I stand by my idea, give roman a 10 month heel run, unless it's a 3 to 4 month with The Rock involved and see how it goes.  At this point it wont hurt to test the waters.  Best case is it works, eventually gets Roman over, and makes a lot of money in the process.  Worst cast, we keep getting boring Reigns shoved down our throats for years to come and gives us something to write about.

Till next time!


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